Sloane Victor logo

This site is under construction and subject to a url change

Hey Neocitizens I don't really like the username schepper-wubs anymore. I will be changing the URL to sloanevictor because that's my pseudonym. After that I'll have to do a batch edit of all my photography again with a new watermark, and then maybe after that I'll start updating the website again.

As for the below "What to expect" I'm gonna be honest I fell off all my zine and fiction review ideas, so don't expect anything soon. But yknow, I'm still cool and this is just my website's step 1.

See you all later

- Sloane

Banner graphic image: A brown Bionicle with robotic wings steps towards a brick wall while looking far upwards. Text: Wubs presents toy photography 2019 sets,
Safety pins

My button on your site?

I would really appreciate it if you added this to your img or graphics folder with a link back here.

Schepper Wubs round rectangle button - writer - artisan - magician

Here's some stamps I made so you can get a better feel for my personality. Free to use since I don't own any of the pictures, but please also copy the alt text I wrote out for each of them

Libre Wolf logo - text Libre Wolf user Half CD eyes with tentacles - text Fears in the Water TVBS Stamp woman black hair dark red tinges smiling at camera - text Cassandra Ford TVBS Stamp cartoon portrait short haired woman skeleton costume - text Zombina and the Skeletones Stamp bold font reads - horrorpunk's not dead - eye floating in corner Stamp blue short haired mspaint chibi anime girl wide eyed - text Sparkle On Raven the Life of Drill Girl Stamp pink double ponytail with red bows anime girl angry eyes biting something Stamp black haired eyes covered anime girl epic skateboard trick Stamp WipEout sci-fi race ship red and white Stamp WipEout sci-fi race ship purple close up on cockpit Stamp SARS-2 bacteria art - text covid is airborne and still here - pandemic isn't over Stamp ladybug on lilypad green pond water drop slow motion Stamp ocean with black and yellow striped fish